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Document Review & Drafting

We provide document review and drafting services for a wide range of legal documents, including contracts, letters, and legal notices. Whether you need assistance in reviewing a document before signing or require a legal document to be drafted from scratch, we

provide you with the expert guidance and support you need.

A woman checking documents on the desk

We know that running a business, employing staff, managing and protecting property and dealing with disputes is no mean feat.  There are many hundreds if not thousands of document drafting services available and precedents can be found on the internet at the click of a button.  However, we live in a world of constant changes to the law by cases setting precedents and statutory legislation constantly changing, which means that documents that perhaps you had prepared even 12 months ago, could be out of date.


We offer a competitive and bespoke document review and drafting service for both our civil and employment clients.  You simply tell us what it is that you are wanting to achieve; provide the information required for your document and we can advise on compliance with legal requirements.


We offer a full document review of company and HR policy and procedure documents.  We will attend your business premises to undertake a review of your internal procedures free of charge and provide you with a full report of recommended changes with examples at a fixed agreed rate.


We list below examples of the documents we have prepared for our clients.  We also offer to undertake one-off, ad hoc requests for assistance with review and drafting documents to ensure compliance.


What documents do we draft?



For any business


Complete Staff handbook and Office Manual (see below)

Company formation and procedures

Partnership Agreements

Confidentiality (NDA) Agreement

Consultancy Agreement

Commercial Contracts 

Deeds & Leases

Website privacy policy

Court documents:-

Claim forms

Defence & Counterclaim

Replies to Defence and Defence to Counterclaim

Interim Applications


Settlement Agreements


Court bundle index


For Individuals


Statutory Declarations

Private Loan agreements

Bills of sale


HR & Employment documents


Complaints Policy and procedure

Dress code

Expenses policy

Equal opportunities policy and statement

Anti-harassment and bullying policy

Anti-corruption and bribery policy

Anti-Money Laundering and Sanctions Risk Policy

Sickness absence policy

Capability procedure

Disciplinary Rules

Disciplinary Procedure

Grievance procedure

Holidays policy

Time off for antenatal appointments policy

Time off for adoption appointments policy

Maternity policy

Paternity policy

Adoption policy

Shared parental leave (birth) policy

Shared parental leave (adoption) policy

Parental leave policy

Time off for dependants policy

Compassionate leave policy

Parental bereavement leave policy

Flexible working policy

Home working policy

Career break policy

Time off for training policy

Time off for public duties policy

Adverse weather and travel disruption policy

Health and safety policy

Smoking policy

Menopause policy

Stress and mental well-being at work policy

Substance misuse policy policy

Relationships at work policy policy

Data Protection Policy

Cyber Security Policy

CCTV Policy

Privacy notice for employees, workers and contractors  

IT & AI systems policy

Social media policy

Redundancy policy

Retirement policy

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